Table of Contents
VR Map - OpenStreetMap goes WebVR
The following slides are available in this presentation:
VR Map - OpenStreetMap goes WebVR
Simple GeoData Visualization with A-Frame
Robert Kaiser,
"KaiRo" <>
Mozilla Tech Speaker
Mozilla Tech Speaker
- Created for a presentation at ViennaJS Meetup May 2018 in Wien/Vienna.
- Written in HTML 5 with CSS 3 and JavaScript.
- Navigation via links on all slides, via access keys (e.g. "n"/Alt+Shift+N for "next") or back/forward arrow keys
- Contents
04/2018 Robert Kaiser - "Mozilla", "Firefox" and their logos are trademarks of Mozilla Foundation.
WebVR & WebXR

- WebVR: Virtual Reality powered by Web technologies
- Part of WebXR Device API - Mixed Reality (Virtual + Augmented Reality)
- Open Standard (proposal), in concert with WebGL, WebAudio and Gamepad APIs
- Windows: Firefox release, Mac: Nightly/Beta, Linux: in development
VR Map

- Demo for WebVR with live OpenStreetMap data
- Usable in 2D mode on any modern browser
- Supports headset + controller where WebVR is supported
- Using Mozilla A-Frame (see later)
- Simple: Currently ~70 lines HTML, ~400 lines JS
Code Basics

- The world is flat (in two ways)!
- Ground tiles using Mercator projection, "Mapnik" rendering from OSM via KaiRo's tile caching server
- Trees and buildings: live OSM data via Overpass API
- Camera/controller setup to support multiple devices for navigating the scene
- Built with Mozilla A-Frame library
A-Frame - XR Made Simple

<a-scene> <a-sphere position="0 1.25 -1" radius="1.25" color="#EF2D5E"></a-sphere> <a-cube position="-1 0.5 1" rotation="0 0 0" …> <a-animation attribute="rotation" … to="0 360 0"></a-animation> </a-cube> <a-cylinder position="1 0.75 1" …></a-cylinder> <a-plane …></a-plane> <a-sky color="#ECECEC"></a-sky> </a-scene>
Code Details

: JS includes, start dialog, scene, camera/controller rigmap.js
: variables, load handler, fetch from Overpass APIconversions.js
: coordinate conversionsposition-limit.js
: A-Frame component for keeping position above groundtiles.js, trees.js, buildings.js
: load/draw the 3 types of objects- KaiRo-at/vrmap at GitHub