Table of Contents
Developing Webapps for Firefox OS
The following slides are available in this presentation:
Developing Webapps for Firefox OS
The Efficient & Simplistic Approach
Robert Kaiser,
"KaiRo" <>
Project Manager, Mozilla QA
Project Manager, Mozilla QA
Sayak Sarkar
Mozilla Reps Mentor, India
Mozilla Reps Mentor, India
- Created for Mozilla Developer Room at FOSDEM 2014 in Brussels.
- Written in HTML 5 with CSS 3 and JavaScript.
- Navigation via links on all slides, via access keys (e.g. "n"/Alt+Shift+N for "next") or back/forward arrow keys
- Contents
01/2014 Robert Kaiser & Sayak Sarkar - "Mozilla", "Firefox" and their logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.
What is a Web App?
- hosted / packaged
- "web site" (HTML/CSS/JS) + app manifest
App Manifest
"name": "Lantea Maps",
"description": "Display maps and record (GPS) tracks of your location.",
"launch_path": "/index.html",
"appcache_path": "/manifest.appcache",
"permissions": {
"storage": {
"description": "Required for saving settings, tracks, and the tile cache."
"geolocation": {
"description": "Required record tracks."
"developer": {
"name": "Robert Kaiser",
"url": ""
"icons": {
"16": "/style/lanteaIcon16.png",
"32": "/style/lanteaIcon32.png",
"64": "/style/lanteaIcon64.png",
"128": "/style/lanteaIcon128.png"
Best Practices for Development
When writing, think of later maintenance:
- Readable for someone unfamiliar with that code
- Variable names that explain themselves
- Comments with explanations for anything non-obvious
- That's true for CSS and HTML as well!
- Group thing in logical ways
Best Practices for Development
How should code look like when you want to write a patch?
- Write your own code like that!
Be Careful with Libraries
- When starting to learn things, you should know what every line does
- Due to e.g. CSP restrictions, libraries can give odd errors in apps
- Size & efficiency: How much of the library do you actually use?
- It's easier to patch your own code than a library
- Be aware of licenses!
Be Careful with Libraries
- Only use libraries if you really trust them, use a big enough portion of them, and really know what you are doing.
- Also, ideally, the basic logic of your app stands without libraries and they are only helpers.
Web App Development Tools
![Firefox DevTools](devtools.png)
App Manager - and more!
![Firefox OS - Be The Future](be-the-future.png)